You can also ask your question on our Fallout: New Vegas Questions & Answers page. Fallout: New Vegas the fourth major installment of amazing role-playing shooting game series: Fallout which is available for Xbox 360, PlayStation and PC. Get an anti-material rifle with incendiary ammo and equip it. 9:47am Best Sniper Rifle? Genre: Shooter. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Fallout: New Vegas for PC. Weapons in this category include guns (pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc), blades, swords, grenades amongst many others. If you have any cheats or tips for Fallout: New Vegas please send them in here. Calibration: The vending code is found in Puesta del Sol south on top of the tallest roof. One of the features added to New Vegas is the ability to custom modify certain base weapons. So fire up those Pip-Boys, because here are the 25 Rare Hidden Weapons In Fallout (And How To Find Them).Fallout: New Vegas > General Discussions > Topic Details. Just be sure not to listen to "The Wanderer" while brutally maiming wasteland dwellers or Dion may try and sue. The games featured will include the four numbered entries along with Fallout: New Vegas. Sometimes the weapon itself is of extraordinary strength, and other times the methods of getting them is a fulfilling experience all its own. Through the next twenty five entries, we will shine a spotlight on the rare weapons that are worth the time investment.

Finding every unique tool of destruction is nearly impossible, but the large amount of them ensures that every player's experience is special. Given the sheer breadth of each game's setting, it will come as no surprise that every map is chock full of secret weapons waiting to be uncovered by the first adventurer who comes across them. Let it not be forgotten that Interplay's titles, which preceded Fallout 3, also offered a similar level of freedom. One can wander the wasteland with guns, explosives, melee weapons, or a well balanced mixture of the three. What would a Fallout game be without a sizable arsenal? The sheer amount of weapon variety stays true to Bethesda's philosophy of giving nearly unlimited choices to the player.